"It's not a problem,I will put my fingers into my mouth and vomit out the food that I just ate,"he explained his way of maintaining his body weight.
I just smiled.
"That's bulimia."
"What's that?"he questioned.
"What you're doing is called bulimia in medicine.That was a psychiatric chapter .Don't do that.It will cause damage to your inner upper front teeth's enamel from stomach's acid.
He didn't say anything.
Seconds later,"Other than that,is there any interesting psychological problems ?"he uttered.
"All psychological problems are interesting.And disturbing as well.
People suffering from boanthropy believes themselves to be a bovine.
So if you saw someone eating grass nearby your house, you why."
"Really ??"he asked in a shocked gesture.
I smiled.
"People suffering from apotemnophilia will have an obsessive desire to have their healthy body parts,especially a limb removed by amputation."
My favorite is Cotard syndrome.A rare mental illness.Sufferer belief that they are already dead, do not exist.When you're with them, you're a human and they're a ghost . That's what they believe."
"Sounds crazy!"he astonished.
"Maybe that is why Edison quoted, the chief function of the body is to carry the brain around."
We are just resemblance of our mind and thoughts."
